Torniamo in via Fantoni per un nuovo capitolo del nostro party Open Air eclettico e open-minded. Dalle 23.00 alle 6.00 ben 4 stage nel giardino estivo del Link, spazio di incontro per decine di crew e arti diverse.
ARENA stage
- Flavio Deff vs Rafal S
GARDEN stage
- Alessio Collina vs Dj Rou
- Treega
- Massone SoundSystem
DNB stage
- Urban
- Salix
- Sumo Music Royale Rumble
- Nolog
HIP HOP stage
- 9to5 & Amore Industry
- DJing – MCing – Writing – B-Boying

◎Early Bird > € 7
◎Regular > €10
DJ Stingray (sometimes billed as Stingray313) is Sherard Ingram, founder of Urban Tribe and associate of mythical Detroit electro duo Drexciya. As both a DJ and producer, Ingram is a master of light-speed, futuristic electro, preferring fast tempos and inventive beat patterns to more accessible, club-friendly rhythms. However, he takes issue with the term “electro,” and the way people tend to use the word to classify electronic dance music that isn’t in standard 4/4 time, instead preferring to describe what he does as techno.
Ingram’s musical career stretches back to the ’80s. He grew up listening to the wildly eclectic broadcasts by pioneering Detroit radio DJ the Electrifying Mojo, absorbing everything from Kraftwerk and Parliament to industrial groups like Severed Heads and Skinny Puppy. He was taught to DJ by his friend Kenny Dixon, Jr. (Moodymann), who claimed that he could mix better than Mojo. Ingram made his recording debut in 1987 with “Time to Party,” a raw techno single co-produced with Lou Robinson under the name Nasa. He gradually developed and perfected his dense, high-speed mixing style, and would DJ at biker bars in Detroit, slipping bits of techno tracks in with Miami booty bass and West Coast electro and hip-hop. He began working as Urban Tribe in 1990, and a track called “Covert Action” appeared on a compilation soon after, along with several Carl Craig tracks. Craig eventually introduced Ingram’s music to James Lavelle, and Urban Tribe began releasing music on Mo Wax in 1996, with debut album The Collapse of Modern Culture arriving in 1998. Featuring tracks written and produced in collaboration with Dixon, Craig, and Anthony “Shake” Shakir, the album was a moody collection of downtempo and deep house tracks, and quietly earned a reputation as an under-the-radar classic.
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