Anastasia Kristensen

Se si dovesse riassumere l’appeal di Anastasia Kristensen in due sole sole parole, potrebbero essere “Energy Flash” ⚡ Nata in Russia e residente a Copenaghen,la Kristensen può essere annoverata insieme come parte della nuova generazione di DJ che sta mettendo in evidenza la capitale danese sulla mappa della techno europea. Conosciuta in tutto il mondo grazie alle sue incredibili performance nei migliori festival come il Berlin Atonal, l’Unsound, il Dimensions e l’Exit, Anastasia Kristensen ha rapidamente fatto presa su un gran numero di persone in tutti i settori della musica dance e farà parlare di se ancora per molti anni a venire.
⚡ Anastasia Kristensen
🏴‍☠️ Kobold
Early Bird Ticket su UGO
>> Ingresso con Tessera AICS OBBLIGATORIA
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Anastasia Kristensen is a flash of energy. Moscow-born but Denmark-raised, she welds an unwavering dedication to discovering music to the unbridled joy of playing it to people who share the same values and enthusiasm. The once-rising, now-risen star is a whirlwind in the DJ booth, a refreshingly authentic and human presence that makes curious onlookers instant fans and encourages existing ones to dance harder. “I am,” she says, “driven by spreading confidence and fearlessness” – and it shows.
Call-to-action vocals, hi-NRG synth riffs and ten-ton gabber kicks meet rave rinsers, scything electro, booming techno and even the odd rewind. Kristensen is a poster-child for techno’s lean out of its associated black hole, and into a spectrum of colours, textures and light. After years of sharpening her reputation as a resident at Culture Box, and in particular Mainstream, one of the city’s few LGBTQ nights, her international tour diary has exploded, taking in small parties and major festivals the world over, making her a magazine cover star who remains driven by connecting communities and elevating fellow music geeks.
Remixes for artists like Special Request and Daniel Avery laid the path for deals to Warp offshoot Arcola and renowned label Houndstooth, extending the range of what Kristensen brings to the dancefloor, both as a DJ, and a producer putting records in DJ’s hands. By taking that vital first flash of energy and making it relatable, accessible and utterly infectious, Anastasia Kristensen has rapidly clicked with a great deal of people across all walks of dance music – and why she is set to keep doing so for years and years to come.
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