Arriva al Link il progetto Dont’ Panik nato da una collaborazione di Ixindamix – (Spiraltribe) e Maskk (Kernelpanik) – due liveset più un backtoback che non vi farà stare fermi un attimo proponendo un liveset che spazierà nei vari decenni che hanno cavalcato questi esponenti di spicco delle scena rave.
IXI (SP23)
MASKK (Kernelpanik)
Beatkouple Ingrid & Monzo
Abstrakt (Tekno Invasion)
Silvia Wally (Looney Tunz Crew)
Luix (Teknomobilsquad)
Badbase (Audioground)
Kuzam (Altered Beats)
Paoletta (L57)
Videoinstall+Ledinstall Binary System
Ticket su Dice: https://dice.fm/event/dnakq-dont-panik-ixindamix-sp23maskk-kernelpanik-1st-oct-link-bologna-tickets
Early Birds 8 € + ddp
Pre Sale: 10 € + ddp
In Cassa: 15 €
Ixi – Ixindamix (SP23 / Audiotrix)
Before meeting Spiral Tribe in 1991, Ixindamix lived on the road with a horse and cart and moved across the British countryside with the horse-drawn travellers. Whenever she found a good site for a party she’d give the Spirals a call and the sound system would be magically spirited in.
Ixindamix began her musical career in 1992 after leaving the horse-drawn and joining the Spiral’s convoy of matt black trucks. Collecting records with an irrepressible energy, she quickly became one of the sound system’s central performers. With her DJ sets filling floors week after week, she began honing her synthesiser skills in the sound system’s mobile studio. The resulting livesets rapidly became popular in countries all over Europe, and she became well known for her tantalising analogue improvisation and twinkling frequency mischief.
Co-founding the Audiotrix record label in 2000, she has steered it to a position of respect and helped break a stream of new artists on the label. Adding an online digital and vinyl shop to Audiotrix in the last two years, she is a pivotal figure in the European scene.
Today, Ixindamix plays at international events every weekend while working in the studio through the week. Injecting charisma and sparkling personality into every set, her ability to whip a dancefloor into sheer euphoria has made her highly sought after across the continent.
MASKK (Kernelpanik)
Maskk starts in the “Illegal rave scene” around mid ’90 in Rome.
The arrival of various tribes in Italy was what brought him closer to the Teknivals and Rave circuit. The step from been a raver to be a Dj didn’t last long as he then soon started mixing records. In 1998 he is one of the founders of the sound “against” system called Kernel Panik, which it is what will bring him to travel and play all across Europe. Following this, his music takes him to the South American continent, precisely in Argentina and Brasil.
Maskk infact, will departs in 2006 with KERNEL PANIK for the epic SOUTH SIDE MISSION which lasted until 2008 and took them around the latin continent organizing festivals and free parties.Soon after, along with mixing records, he starts to play live-sets. His firsts productions, even done on magnetic tapes,(dj set) which are basically music-tapes are dated around the year 2000.
Afterwards he will move onto CD-R to then arrive to play his live set and produce his music on many vinyls from 2004, most of them produced by the same Kernel Panik,Hydrophonic records, AUDIOTRIX label with the various works together with Ix-Indamix and made a live productions project with her called DONT PANIK.
In the last years he has been playing in many different places, from big rave parties, big festivals, many Socials centers and squats around all the peninsula, to then arrive to play every week in clubs/disco and festivals of many european cities. Not to forget his presence, as a music maker and DJ, to the huge and famous Glastonbury Festival in UK (2010).
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