kiki mamam snake
Un’altra emozionante serata targata Link Bologna, in compagnia di tre rari talenti.
KI/KI, giovane talento della scena underground olandese partita come resident del club queer Spielraum nel 2018 conquistando tutti i club del mondo, vi delizierà con il suo set onirico e futuristico tra techno, acid e trance.
Insieme a lei l’esuberante Mama Snake, DJ, fondatrice e proprietaria dell’etichetta di arti miste Amniote Editions e medico in erba che opera a Copenaghen con il suo amore per le sonorità melodiche, calde e dal ritmo incalzante insieme al approccio divertente e senza fronzoli.
In apertura Key Clef, dj e produttrice italiana con base a Berlino, nonché fondatrice dell’etichetta Ipnotica Erotica, portatrice di un suono che non colpisce in superficie, ma punta a convogliare emozioni e contatto tra la sua musica e l’ascoltatore, puntando all’espressione libera del movimento del corpo.
Fatevi trasportare insieme a noi per una notte tra sogno e realtà.
03:00-06:30 KI/KI 🇳🇱
01:00-03:00 Mama Snake 🇩🇰
23:00-01:00 Key Clef 🇮🇹
Early Birds 9€+ddp SOLD OUT
2nd Release 12€+dpp
Ticket alla cassa 15€
⚠️ Ingresso riservato ai soli SOCI in possesso di tessera AICS
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From Amsterdam’s fertile underground to techno temples around the world, KI/KI is at the forefront of a new rave insurrection.
Shaped by the time-tried fundamentals of trance, acid and techno, she subtly constructs her own signature: a sound realm that’s fast but dreamlike, futuristic but nostalgic, severe but – at all times – euphoric.
Starting out as a resident DJ at queer stronghold Spielraum back in 2018, KI/KI has rapidly evolved into a nightlife bastion of her own. In the past years she’s made a mark with unforgettable all-nighters, curating her own ‘KI/KI invites’ series, upsurging Boiler Room views, and causing dancefloor frenzy from Säule to Bassiani to ∄.
As an artist, collaboration and community are essential to KI/KI’s craft. While festival stages and warehouses have become her second home, her heart still beats the loudest for the dark and intimate fringes of nightlife. Beyond music, this artistry bleeds into all forms of collaboration; resulting in, among others, her ‘not for sleeping’ project with Amsterdam fashion collective The New Originals.
On the verge of releasing her highly anticipated debut tracks as well as – spoiler alert – the buried treasures of like-minded producers, the storm that’s KI/KI is only just picking up.
Snakes are elongated, legless reptiles of the suborder Serpentes. Like all squamates, snakes are amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Living snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica, and on most smaller land masses – the same goes for Mama Snake; a DJ, founder and owner of the mixed media arts label Amniote Editions and junior doctor operating out of Copenhagen, who’s bringing her viperine sounds all around the globe.
Her love of melodic, warm and fast paced sounds has secured a steady following in the world of electronic music and Snake’s no bullshit and fun approach to DJing has brought her to clubs around the world such as Berghain (Berlin, DE), De School (Amsterdam, NL), FOLD (London, UK) and Contact (Tokyo, JP) to name a few as well as many highly respected festivals around the world, with even more exciting adventures ahead for 2023 and onwards.
A DJ and producer based in Berlin, Key Clef was born in Rome, beginning her career in the Roman underground scene, later coming to grips with club culture: from abandoned factories to self-managed places in the capital, up to her first live debut for Resistanceistechno in 2020 at the Animal Social Club.
He later became a resident for the touring organisation LSWHR, beginning to play with internationally esteemed artists such as Underground Resistance, The Orb, The KVB, Helena Hauff and others.
Thanks to her love for analogue machines and passion for studying electronic music, Key Clef now brings with her a great technical knowledge respected by colleagues and insiders alike.
Having moved to Berlin at the end of 2016, over the years she reaches some of the most prestigious consoles in Europe including Tresor, Berghain and Fabric to name a few. His DJ sets (as well as live sets) offer hypnotic and visceral sounds aimed at creating a strong connection with the audience, guiding them into a new time through sounds of the past reinterpreted in a contemporary key.
Some of his most important releases can be found on Delirio Rec, Minimalrome and underground rec as well as on his own label Ipnotica Erotica Rec founded in 2020. The label fully reflects the feeling he has towards the techno sound, understood as liberating music on a physical, mental and social level. Key Clef does not aim for a superficial contact, but with his DJ sets he wants to envelop the audience in a profound experience, leaving a message to the listener with an open heart.
Info sul sito Tper Bologna:
> Autobus 20 fermata “Pilastro”
⚠️ Ingresso riservato ai soli SOCI in possesso di tessera AICS
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Event Details
  • Start Date
    20/05/2023 23:00
  • End Date
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Event Details
  • Start Date
    20/05/2023 23:00
  • End Date
  • Status