timeshift hardtimes


Decide to embrace them through TimeShift.

  • Bas Mooy
  • Tyler Matthew Oyer live
  • OCD
  • Link Academy Squad & Lucretio Mega Jam Session

Ticket online su UGO

Ticket alla cassa 20 €
Ingresso riservato ai soli SOCI in possesso di tessera AICS

Bas Mooy

Rotterdam home-based dj/producer Bas Mooy (1976) has been active on many fronts in the techno scene since 1999. Heavily influenced by a city that breaths industrial strength twenty-four-seven, he gradually found his way into creating a unique dark sound.

Tyler Matthew Oyer

Called an “interdisciplinary gospel immortalist” by Kembra Pfahler of the Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black, Tyler Matthew Oyer is an artist, writer, organizer, musician and educator based in Los Angeles. Their work reconsiders the past as something not gone, but as material and ideas that live in and through us, shaping how we see ourselves and our world.


OCD, Gegen Berlin resident, has been damaging dance floors around many clubs in Berlin and she’s that one name who is an adept at weaving relentless, dark and hard styles of music into a unified oneiric deliverance.

Link Academy Squad & Lucretio Mega Jam Session

Electronic music extended jam session performed by the members of Link Academy Project, alongside one of the most authentic italian artists: Lucretio, audio engineer, programmer and performer.

Domanda Tesseramento Link 2.0: https://members.ugo.srl/signup/link
– Per accedere è OBBLIGATORIO avere effettuato domanda di tesseramento online prima dell’evento. La tessera sarà successivamente attivata dopo aver completato la domanda presso lo sportello di tesseramento online al Link.

  • Come da normative vigenti, per accedere all’evento è necessario il possesso del Green Pass rinforzato o “Super Green Pass”.
  • Durante l’evento nelle zone indicate sarà obbligatorio indossare la mascherina in conformità con le indicazioni del Ministero della Salute.
  • Il numero di ingressi è limitato e contingentato secondo le norme anti covid-19.
  • L’ingresso è consentito SOLO a chi indossa la mascherina.

Saranno presenti diversi punti per la sanificazione delle mani da usare in accesso e in uscita da ogni area dello spazio.

Graphics ID by UAGB

Event Details
  • Start Date
    23/04/2022 23:00
  • End Date
  • Status
Event Details
  • Start Date
    23/04/2022 23:00
  • End Date
  • Status