Rave up – Vol2

Torna Rave up, evento gemellato con Cieloterra Roma e Teknomobilsquad/Binarysystem, che non abbassa il tiro e questa volta come ospiti della serate mette in line up Mat Weasel Busters ed Hesed! Special Guest DRN23 (Teknomobilsquad) e Kuzam (Alteredbeats).
Potevano mancare Monzo e Ingrid aka Beatkouple ed Abstrakt? Certo che no.
Apre le danze Silvia Wally.
Tickets salta fila su DICE:
Early Birds a 8 euro + ddp
Regular Tickets a 10 euro + ddp (disponibili fino alle ore 18.00 del 4 Febbraio)
In cassa 15 euro🎧 LINE UP

  • Silvia Wally ( Looney Tunz)
  • Kuzam (Altered Beats)
  • DRN23 (Teknomobilsquad)
  • Mat Weasel Busters
  • Hesed
  • Abstrakt
  • Beat Kouple (Mad for Kicks)

⚠️ EVENTO + 18
⚠️ Ingresso riservato ai soli SOCI in possesso di tessera AICS
>>> Domanda Tesseramento Link 2.0: https://members.ugo.srl/signup/link
An active member of the band Fant4stik with Guigoo, Billx and Floxytek, Mat Weasel has been for years one of the leaders of the Hardtek scene.
With a unique ability to seamlessly mix between powerful tracks and 90’s pop punk rave bootlegs, he is proving to be an essential and significant link between the different hard beats scenes: Hardtek, Frenchcore, UK Hardcore and Happy Hardcore.
Mat’s first releases in the late 90’s were like an electroshock on the Hardtekno scene of this time, his Happy Hardcore and Makina influences contrasted so much with the hypnotic and spiritual sounds from other producers.
He was the first to release Hardtek at 200bpm, the first to use “kick-bass” based tracks (a bass shot offbeat between two kicks) and tricky cuts every 4 bars.
His first vinyl release directly launched him to the top of scene, alongside other artists of his generation: Guigoo, Kefran, Vinka, Gotek, MSD…
Mat Weasel has played an impressive range of venues, from the biggest festivals like Monegros, Dreambeach, Masters of Hardcore, Ground Zero and many more to the best clubs like Pacha, Magazzini Generali, Le Bikini… And he has rocked parties all around the world, from China, Japan, Venezuela and Russia, as well as nearly every single European country!
Hesed started making music at the age of 6 playing guita and after many years of bands (punk, metal, rock) at the end of the 90’s he discovers electronic music, since then never stopped producing.
He plays many different styles like Acid Tekno, Breaks, HipHop, Ambient, Electro, IDM, Soundscapes and more…
Liveset on hardware and vinyl mixing – no laptop no cds.
Hesed’s live performances are truly unique through his self-designed hardware and warm analog atmosphere.
The only one so far, in the whole scene, to create and build machines to have his own special sound.
A real fat sound that is coming from the future that will show you the way like a lightning in the darkness.
Info sul sito Tper Bologna: https://www.tper.it/bo-n3
⚠️ Ingresso riservato ai soli SOCI in possesso di tessera AICS
>>> Domanda Tesseramento Link 2.0: https://members.ugo.srl/signup/link
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